If you want to install fabric wrapped panels and don’t know much about it, then it can be a scary chore for you initially. There are many choices available with acoustical panels that make it hard for you to select one. First of all, you should know the precise sound frequency you want to control and absorb. Then you have to know which the rooms you want to soundproof are.
Often, people have to adjust and absorb mid level to high level sound frequencies. For instance, in a newsroom, most of the sound that bounces in the room is the human voice. To absorb the sound, you will have to install industrial soundproof curtains. In case, you have to control low bass frequencies, you will have to install bass traps also.
The panel size of the sound reflective panels is not as vital as it appears to be. You will only have to install enough number of acoustical panels to cover the space of the whole room. Moreover, the density of a room has not much impact over the performance of the acoustic panels. For instance, 6 lb/cubic foot density of the core material won’t necessarily be better and effective in respect to 3 lb/cubic foot density.
Many manufacturers also provide to treat the fabric topically by covering it with chemicals to ensure Dynamometer test cell noise control. Getting your fabric treated with this type of chemical implies that in case the fabric catches fire, it will self-extinguish against the fire. Nonetheless, topically treated fabric loses its resistance against fire over time. The flame resistance of these acoustic panels should sustain for a longer period as they won’t be washed. However, several people recommend that it is better to install intrinsically flame retardant fabric as safety against fire is quite vital.