When someone thinks and work related injuries, you think about mishaps, slips and possibly repetitive motion injuries such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. But most people disregard the lasting damage of harmful noise levels at workplaces, sound levels that frequently lead to loss of hearing and possibly permanent deafness. Did you know that research carried out by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that almost 10 million employees in the US are exposed to dangerous amounts of noise during their shift?
What amount of noise is too much? Most hearing experts find that being exposed to more than 90 db sound level on a regular basis can cause ear damage and hearing loss. Generally, experts in sound say that all the work ambiances that workers have to yell to be heard in have a risky level of noise.
Hearing loss is generally permanent and can be accompanied by tinnitus, a prolonged ringing in the ears. Hearing loss can not only make it impossible to continue working, it can also tremendously impact all the aspects of your life, from your relationships to your ability to finish everyday chores, to your usual enjoyment in life. Hence, you need sound level suppressors.
It is quite vital to realize that those that suffer from occupational hearing loss or deafness might qualify for worker’s compensation advantages. No matter your hearing was damaged over years of working at loud job sites or whether your hearing loss happened during a particular accident or on the job incident, you might deserve worker’s comp support until you are able to return to work or get ideal work.
Have you or a dear one suffered hearing loss or become deaf due to a noisy work ambiance? If the answer is yes, you should try to reduce loud engine noise in the workplace and look for the possibility of getting help for your work related injury.