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Acoustical ceilings- Ratings and tiles


Acoustical ceilings are a cheap way to reduce the height of a room and also soften noise in the room. Nonetheless, reduction of noise is not the only reason to use an acoustic ceiling or STC 59 window in an office ambience. It can also be used to hide pipes, computer wires or other things you would rather not see.

If you are reading this in an office, you might be under an acoustic ceiling right now and not even have to know it. Generally, you can tell one of these things ceilings by the square tiles and popcorn like texture. However, no longer are they just available in that texture they now come in many colors and styles for the average person to feel convenient bringing them into their business or home with a STC rated sidelite.

First is the NRC which is a rating of sound absorption of the tile in a confined space. This would be vital for a customer or an office contact area of a store like a checkout time.

The measure of the speech noise reflected across wall partitions and office fixtures, like a cubicle is known as Articulation Class (AC) and should be taken into consideration in a cubicle area along with STC rated borrowed lite.

The STC provides us the rating of the barrier to sound created by a wall, between floors or other partition. A STC rating of 55 or above is considered a excellent barrier of sound.

Within your office or home, an STC rated opening can be used for fast fix on that room you don’t feel the best about or to quite down a kid’s play area. There are a few DIY websites out there but speaking of anything needing this type of work you should hire a commercial company.


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